Friday, December 30, 2011

Magic Flight Launch Box Reviews + Best Price at $99 shipped!

Magic Flight Launch Box

click here to read 56 reviews of the Magic Flight Launch Box portable vaporizer!

This review is from: Magic Flight Launch Box
Excellent Item... I normally don't write reviews unless I am really excited about a item and the people that make it... This is the first Vaporizer I have ever owned or used so I can't really compare to other Vape's but I did a lot of looking, reading and researching before I bought the Magic-Flight Launch Box.. Things I really like about the LB. Very small and stealth, price, easy to use and you can use just about anywhere... You are not tied down to a cord or a large unit that you have to sit on a table or a long wand or anything. For example, even just around your house you can slip in your pocket and use whenever you want.. Laying on the couch watching TV, out in the garage working, Sitting on the front porch enjoying the nice weather... Sitting on the toilet meditating... etc etc.. You see my point.. So easy to use anywhere without that "tied down feeling".. And don't even get me started on using the LB outside.. Hiking, long walks, trips to the beach, snowboarding, those boring family reunions, Dave Matthews concert, and the list goes on and on.... Don't get me wrong, the larger home units are good in other areas like for large parties and if you have a lot of people over... But overall , you can't beat the price, ease of use, Stealth, and flexibility of the Magic-Flight Launch Box.. And on top of all that, the company that makes this product is top notch people who go out of their way to make sure their customers are happy.. With a lifetime warranty.. Even if YOU break it... And if you are one of those heavy all day users and the thought of having to use batteries turns you off, well the Company just announced they are coming out with a AC power cord attachment which will work with all existing and new LB's.. So now you can have the best of both worlds (batteries or AC)... If you are at all into Vaporizers or even like me just getting into them, you got to try the Magic-Flight Launch Box 

Enjoy your "Magic Flights" and remember to Vape Responsibly... 

Note: This reviewer used only tobacco for this review... No other types of herbs where used, injured or killed in the making of this review.. 

1 comment:

  1. $25 Dragonlite Vaporizers
    Better then the Magic Flight Launch Box @ 1/2 the PRICE!
    Hurry and log on to
